Health Fitness

Buttock Exercises: How To Get A Sexy, Firm And Round Butt Without Being Too Big Or Too Small

These butt exercises will give you all the information you need to know on how to get a sexy, firm, round butt that’s not too big and not too small. Imagine having a butt that both men and women can’t help but notice.

Exercises for glutes

1. Walking inclined

You know that area where your butt meets the back of your legs? Do you want to make it look better and help get rid of your sagging butt? Then start walking… BUT make sure it’s uphill or some sort of incline (like on a treadmill).

Incline walking is not only great for weight loss, but it firms your legs and buttocks better than almost any other exercise you can do. But again, I must emphasize this… this is walking at an INCLINE, NOT walking on a flat surface.

I recommend you take a treadmill and incline it 10 degrees… or 15 degrees, and walk on it for 20-30 minutes 4-5 days a week. You will start seeing results in 2 weeks! Your butt will easily transform into a firmer, shapelier butt in a month if you just did this exercise and nothing else.

2. Glute Squeeze

This is a great isometric exercise that shapes the butt. If you just want the right size butt, not too big and not too small, start making it right away.

It is easy. Just squeeze your butt together. Do this as hard as you can and keep the isometric tension in your butt. Hold each squeeze for AT LEAST 10 seconds… but I recommend trying to do it for about 1 minute each time. Do this for a total of 5 minutes each and every day.

Since it can be done anywhere and virtually anytime without anyone else knowing about it, there really is no excuse not to do this exercise.

These butt exercises will help you get a sexy butt fast if you do them for a few weeks.

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