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Ask a psychic: Can a psychic tell me when I am going to DIE? (Hint: DO NOT ask!)

Can a psychic tell me when I’m going to die? Can you tell me what I should avoid doing to live longer? Do psychics predict accidents, illness or disease and if so, is there anything I can do to CHANGE my destiny? In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at a fairly common question that A LOT of people ask during a psychic reading or if they DON’T ask it, they ask and want to anyway! Sound like you? Read on as we take a closer look below!

Filed Under: Can Psychics Predict Death?

The truth? Some psychics are known to have uncanny sensitivity to impending death or demise. Many intuitives, clairvoyants, and mediums have publicly predicted celebrity deaths well in advance, and while I don’t much believe in doing this, some of the more well-known cases are hard to dismiss as good guesses.

For example? Both President Kennedy and his assassin (Lee Harvey Oswald) were predicted to die within days of each other, Ronald Reagan’s attempted assignment was publicly proclaimed by several famous psychics of the time, Yizhak Rabin (the Israeli president) was not only warned publicly that he would be killed by a known clairvoyant, there were actually accounts written in the paranormal book “The Bible Code” that purported to document the actual DAY of his death, and also the name of his killer)

My point is just……..

That there is a long history of publicly made psychic predictions about high-profile deaths that, in fact, HAVE happened and many of them are specific enough to be believable and not easily dismissed as guesswork or luck.

Even MORE powerful?

Most good psychic mediums will tell you that they first discovered their psychic abilities by seeing or sensing the death of a close relative, friend, or neighbor when they were children. Even more mediums will tell you that they were visited at the time of death by someone who JUST died, or saw an apparition of someone who came to say goodbye as well. (often called crisis onset, or communication after death)

I think SOME psychics can tell when you’re going to die and how you’re going too. But I also think it’s much more of a glimpse, a fragment or a passing image that you don’t quite catch. Some of the celebrity psychics I’ve spoken to, for example… say they see it as a fast-forwarding LIFE review with all the main chapters and scenes flashing for a split second, including the ending!

But you should NEVER ask…….

And a good psychic or medium won’t tell you if you do! Because? Because it’s not a comfortable conversation. And they COULD be wrong. And most good clairvoyants want to empower you with information to help you make POSITIVE decisions to improve your life right now. (giving them information about what they see at the end of their life will RARELY accomplish that, and more often than not, it will create fear and conflict instead)


I truly believe that we are all here for a reason. That there is a purpose, a path and a specific mission in your life that you are here to achieve. Usually these are matters of the heart: love, relationships, and learning to understand and enhance your own spiritual growth. Focus on THAT in your next psychic reading and you will find that the answers you seek are MUCH more powerful and easier to use than worrying about what is out of your control! (because if you live your life the way it’s meant to be lived… the best is ALWAYS yet to come!)

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