Ecommerce Website Design Trends You Can Watch In 2017

Website design trends related to e-commerce websites have been changing in sync with the way customers shop. So, to survive in the competitive race, developers need to design websites and consider the trends collected below. Responsive Design – Today, many people prefer to use their smartphones to search for information. This implies that e-commerce website designers should develop mobile sites […]

Building Bond – 19 Ways to Build Bond in Marriage

1. Study the Bible together: This will increase your closeness to God and to each other. 2. Plan together: Plan your future together, because two good heads are better than one. 3. Live together: Live together in the same town, same house and in the same room. 4. Talk together: Communication is the foundation of intimacy. Therefore, learn to argue […]

Home Photography Tips: Attractive Images Can Attract Buyers

With real estate constantly becoming an online marketplace, the notion of a home’s aesthetic “curb appeal” has evolved into “eye appeal.” These days the attractiveness of a property in published photos is extremely important. Photos can be a powerful tool in selling your home, and good photos can make your home look much more attractive to potential buyers. “Without photos, […]

Download Xbox 360 games for free!

Ever since the XBox 360 came out several years ago, there has been one constant thing, and that is that games are too expensive. Each new game is $60 bucks, and if you want the game the day it comes out, you might have to go to a couple of stores to find it, and that’s a waste of gas. […]

bodybuilding fat loss

Regular exercise and fat loss are good for you and will help make you healthier, but they won’t cause the definition and toning of your body that you can get from using bodybuilding exercise routines. For women, these routines will not add bulk or make you look like a professional wrestler. They will give you a lean and toned physique […]

Dorothy Parker and The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is a classic American novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and first published in 1925 during the height of the Roaring Twenties in America. The book was a huge success. At the time of The Great Gatsby’s release, Dorothy Parker, a founding member of the Algonquin Round Table, was thirty-two years old, living and working in New […]

Choosing the Right Puppy: Definite Do’s and Don’ts

So you want a Puppy! Does the whole family accept this idea? Experience has shown that if one or more are against a pet, bringing an animal into that environment can cause considerable family friction and stress. Have you weighed the financial and time implications? These can be considerable, owning a dog is a serious commitment and should never be […]

Why you need to care about creativity

It continually amazes me how short-sighted some leaders are. Let me tell you what I mean. Last week, the CEO of an organization hired me to be the keynote speaker at their annual conference in October. The theme of the keynote is Producing under pressure. After we agreed on the details of the main program, I asked him, “What do […]