Debunking the Debunkers – The True Medicinal Value of Aromatherapy

Has aromatherapy been wrongly accused? Searching for the term ‘Aromatherapy’ brings up several pages claiming that aromatherapy is a fraud of some kind. That essential oil manufacturers and retailers are making “dubious” claims about the efficacy of essential oils. These people do not appear to have done their homework, nor did they compare the validity of scientific research with that […]

Current economic crisis (rescue or purchase)

Lately, it seems like we’re living history every day. Not since the Great Depression has the United States seen such turmoil in financial markets. What started in the subprime industry has now bled dry on Wall Street. When investment houses that have been around since the Civil War close their doors, it’s a sure sign that something has gone terribly […]

Tips for Cooking Ribeye on the Grill

I have some friends who get frustrated every time they cook ribeye meat on the grill. What are they complaining about? Well, they say their dishes don’t taste or look like those served in restaurants. And I tell you that’s not a problem at all. Chefs have spent many years just learning and perfecting the art of cooking steak (among […]

How to be ‘green’ in 2020

It’s a new year, a new decade and a great opportunity to embrace a ‘green lifestyle’. But how do we start? A small change in the way you dispose of things is an easy way to embrace ‘green living’. Minimizing your waste is a great ‘green’ step. Instead of relying on the landfill… Re-use. Recycle. Re-use. Also indicated as ‘Avoid […]

What are the good tips for parents?

If you’ve ever read any parenting books, then you’ve probably read that spending quality time with your child is the way to help ensure they grow up healthy and well-adjusted. While this is basically true, there are other problems. Sometimes this quality time will consist of going to the movies or eating out, and that takes little time. There are […]