The Supreme Master Teacher

What makes a master teacher? Current thinking among educators looks toward seven key characteristics. They are the following: 1. Create an atmosphere, environment and attitude to learn 2. Establish a reason to learn 3. Train students on how to learn 4. Inspire students to achieve 5. Establish responsibility for learning 6. Continually check learning achievements 7. Celebrate new learning As […]

Parenting Skills: Tips for Teen Parents

The stage of adolescence is the most feared stage of parenting. However, it is the last and for the most part marked by irresponsibility and rebellion. Even the best parents are warned of this stage that presents itself as an inevitable battlefield for parents and their children. Fortunately, though, as a parent, if you play your cards right, this doesn’t […]

Tools to help your child learn to share

Do you have problems at home because your children do not want to share? Do you feel like you have become more of a referee than a parent? Here are some parenting ideas and tools to help end the chaos and yelling in your home. Parenting tools will help you teach your children the importance of sharing and how to […]

17 reasons why a father-daughter relationship is unique

You probably can’t understand this post unless you are a father or daughter. Yes, it is true that all relationships have something special, the relationship between mother and daughter, the relationship between husband and wife, etc. But when we talk about a father-daughter relationship, we’re talking about a totally unique, totally different relationship. Here’s a short list of 17 reasons […]

How to buy a Balance Ball chair

The Balance Ball Chair is one of the newest fitness tools on the market. They are especially popular for people who sit at a desk for several hours a day. For more information, especially how to buy a balance ball chair and what to look for, keep reading. The Balance Ball Chair is a relatively new fitness concept incorporating chairs […]

Staying fit on a tight schedule

With the pace of the world getting faster and faster every day, we find less and less time for our personal needs. And one of the things that we neglect is getting enough exercise in our daily routine. Some people get too tired from their work and would rather sleep than spend time exercising thinking they will get more tired. […]

The best hospitals in Jerusalem

Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, is located in the Judean mountains, between the Mediterranean Sea and the Dead Sea. Together with East Jerusalem it forms the largest city in the country. It is a great tourist attraction for religious and cultural reasons. Bikur Cholim Hospital it is located in the heart of the city at the intersection of Strauss and […]