Where to find free stuff online

a search for FREE STUFF ONLINE will return more than 180,000,000 results on Google, but a large part of them require enter your email address so they can send you emails purchase after a short free trial period You navigate through pages of information and sales promotion before reaching the free section. I can understand the frustration. I have spent […]

Choosing a male or female Yorkshire Terrier

As a prospective Yorkshire Terrier buyer, one of the first decisions you need to make is determining whether a male or female dog is the best choice for you. There are certain characteristics that most male and female Yorkies will have, and knowing these characteristics will help you make the best decision. Even if you plan to spay or neuter […]

How to get people to do what "Good" stuff

What convinced more people to come out and vote for Obama? The same method that could motivate more people to buy from you. This approach is already pushing more: o Hikers to stay on marked trails. o Hotel guests to use fewer towels. o Homeowners to reduce their energy use. (By giving you these examples, I was using the method […]

Telesales – Reactivation of inactive accounts

If cold calling isn’t one of your favorite pastimes, try a different tactic. Try making “warmer” calls and watch your sales results improve. You can do this by “prospecting” for inactive accounts. An inactive account is a customer who has purchased from you in the past but has not made any purchases in the last year or so. Here are […]

Killer Foods and Plants for Hamsters

Hamster cages need to be a safe and healthy haven for their occupants and this means a daily supply of fresh seeds, grains, fruits and vegetables. But did you know that some seeds, fruits and vegetables are poisonous to them? There are also many houseplants that could seriously poison them. This article reviews some expert advice on which of the […]

The importance of nursing home activities

Many people think of a nursing home as a disgusting, soulless place where residents lie in bed or sit endlessly in a rocking chair, waiting out their days until the inevitable happens. The reality – at least in a good nursing home – is far from that. Many people enter a nursing facility while they are still very much alive […]

Quick tips on how to tame your puppy

Did you know that the number one reason dogs end up at your dog shelter is that proper housebreaking isn’t enough? House training is very important and will be established as soon as one becomes a puppy. House training includes potty training. How to potty train your puppy could be a challenging job for a first-time pet owner or even […]

How to awaken your inner confidence

Do you know what it feels like to wear uncomfortable shoes? Maybe you’ve dressed for an occasion, you’ve gone to the trouble of really getting ready. You wear clothes that make you feel good. If you are a woman, you will have taken the trouble to do your hair and make up. And then the shoes… Ah, the shoes. You […]