Is a radar gun reading or caller ID display inadmissible?

As a Fort Lauderdale criminal attorney, I regularly have clients arrested for driving under the influence or drug possession ask me, “Can the police testify in court about the results of a radar gun to show my vehicle speed or trust on a caller ID screen to prove I made a phone call?…Shouldn’t this evidence be considered inadmissible hearsay?” According […]

Hire the right real estate attorney

Investing in a property is a very important decision in life. You are going to invest all your savings, in some cases a considerable loan, in the purchase of a property that you will treasure for the rest of your life. You don’t want to spend that money buying something that isn’t worth it. It is often possible for you […]

Best Salary For Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

Criminal Defense Lawyers What is the best salary for federal criminal defense lawyers? The salary of a federal criminal defense attorney will depend on the case experience of the individual. While there are many factors that affect the salary of federal criminal defense lawyers, the experience of the individual is one of the most important. Lawyers with more experience have […]

Dandelions and your health

Almost everyone hates that pesky weed called dandelion. Every year when the weather turns warm, some garden in your neighborhood is sure to have a bumper crop of dandelions. You cringe in fear and anger at the prospect of all those dandelions going to seed. Truly, it will be a foul wind if any of those seedlings fall onto your […]

Data mining data

Data mining is the process of examining a data set to extract certain patterns. Companies use this process to determine the outcome of their existing goals. They summarize this information into useful methods to generate income and/or reduce costs. When search engines are accessed, they start building link lists from the first page you access. It continues this process throughout […]

The Telemarketing Prayer

You can be the most experienced and well-trained salesperson in the world and still deliver flat, lifeless presentations, while the novice next to you could sound inspired and break all sales records using a fraction of their skills. Have you ever wondered why you can descend into a depression while they are flying, defying gravity? Is it a matter of […]

Small Corporate Offering Registry (SCOR)

The Small Business Registry was designed specifically for small businesses. It allows small businesses to raise equity or debt capital publicly without having to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission. It is designed to streamline the state review process through the use of standardized forms and reviews. Each state separately reviews company filings and issues a permit allowing general […]