Kitchen Series – Kitchen Countertops

Kitchen countertops are the jewel of any modular configuration. They are durable, functional and stylish. Food is prepared and eaten around the kitchen counters. Granite countertops are a symbol of elegance and class. They have a high degree of heat resistance and come in a wide range of styles, mosaics and colours. Concrete countertops are becoming more and more popular […]

stylish houses

INTERIORS FOR YOUR LIVING ROOM A house has many arenas as we discussed above. We will talk about some of the most essential areas of the house. Starting with the living room, we can say that it is the busiest room in the house. Living room design for comfort and relaxation. Typically, when a visitor enters the home, the living […]

Life is short! act now

This week my twelve year old granddaughter received horrible news. For the second time in a matter of weeks a grandfather has died. His paternal grandfather had heart surgery about a year ago, but he seemed to have made a pretty good recovery. So everyone was shocked when he passed away a few weeks ago. Mikaeli had several opportunities to […]

Flavorings with wines and spirits: do alcoholic beverages add any nutritional value to food?

Wines, beers, and spirits have long been enjoyed as beverages, but they have taken on a new role as flavoring ingredients in cooking and baking. Although some countries have used them liberally in the past, they are now used in many traditional and non-traditional cuisines and culinary applications throughout the world. The cook does not have to be a bartender […]

Sliding window: another form of spatial economy

The population is continuously growing and the space of the world is shrinking, this is the main problem of this age, therefore everyone is trying to fit everything in their little fist space. From the door to the bed, everything comes with slip nowadays, a constant demand for slip forces producers to rethink their capacity and change their market strategy. […]

Smart Pressure Cooker – Smart Chef

Forget the horror stories you heard about your grandmother’s pressure cooker. For saving time, flavor and nutrition, no cooking method beats today’s safe and reliable pressure cookers. You can get home by 7:00 and have a complete, fresh, home-cooked meal on the table by 7:30 or even earlier. Leave those soggy, mushy microwave meals behind, and prepare to accept the […]

The Atkins Diet: Why It’s My Personal Choice

From the time I was a little girl, through my glorious 20s (thankfully behind me, no pun intended) and early 30s (before I had my son), maintaining my weight was never an issue. I always trusted the fact that by watching what I ate, if my weight increased, a little non-stressful exercise would be all I needed to get me […]