How to make money with wikiHow

wikiHow is a web-based community consisting of how-to guides that broadly describe what they offer. The main mission of the website or platform is to offer high-quality manuals on how to do different things. It has millions of readers and handled thousands of different guides in different categories. It gives anyone the freedom to write or even make edits to […]

My writing journey

On my fiftieth birthday I had a few beers and pondered what I should do after I quit my job as a sales manager in Manhattan. I know it was only a matter of time until my employer told me to take a walk so I could give my office to a younger person. So now was the time to […]

Tips for image optimization

Image optimization is all about image SEO or getting your images to rank on Google and other search engines, it is also about reducing your images to the smallest size possible without reducing their quality to allow your web pages to be charge quickly. This is important because everyone on the web expects websites to load quickly, in less than […]