6 really unusual jobs that pay well

Private investigator. A private investigator is a person employed by individuals or groups to carry out investigative law services. They connect clues to uncover information about legal, financial or personal matters. Private investigators generally work alone, but sometimes work with others, particularly during surveillance or when following a subject. In reality, there is no need for formal education for most […]

Humorous Representation of Bad Values: A Review of the Adventures of Captain Underpants, by Dav Pilkey

George Beard and Harold Hutchins, the main characters in The Adventures of Captain Underpants, are pranksters of the highest order. In this installment of Dav Pilkey’s Captain Underpants series, George and Harold pull off a series of outrageous pranks at their elementary school soccer game. However, unknowingly, their evil headmaster, Mr. Krupp, has captured all their antics on videotape and […]

WoW Zombie Infestation

If you are a World of Warcraft player, you are probably interested in knowing and understanding the “Zombie Infestation” that appears to be related to the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. There is no doubt that you have probably been “cursed” or are noticing that you cannot cast spells and perform other basic abilities in the game that you […]

Book Review: Fangirl

My face hurts from smiling. I feel like I’ll never find another book that I like as much as Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl, and I’m devastated that I finished it. Usually it never takes me more than a day or two to finish a book; however, I deliberately took more than a week to finish Levi and Cath’s story. I used […]

Taxi Driver (1976)

Director: Martin Scorsese Genres: Drama Classification: R Release Date: February 8, 1976 Screenwriter: Paul Schrader Starring: Cybill Shepherd, Harvey Keitel, Jodie Foster, Robert DeNiro What worked? Connection is one of the essential aspects of life that keeps us sane. Without human interaction, there is no potential for purpose in life and there is no reason to continue, and people will […]

Gambling: Fun Leading to Addiction?

Is gambling really innocent fun? We all know that many are addicts and that casinos generate billions of dollars. All addicted gamblers started with the idea of ​​risking some innocent money, with the idea in the back of their mind that they could make a big profit. After all, the winners are announced with a big smile on their faces. […]

Review: King of Tokyo

Richard Garfield is the famous designer of the most popular CCG (trading card game) of all time, “Magic the Gathering”. Other than that, he has been successful in designing games like “Android: Netrunner”, “The Great Dalmuti” and “Roborally”. In 2011, he came up with the idea for a fun dice game called “King of Tokyo”. I gave it a try […]