A Dog Named Christmas by Greg Kincaid

The local animal shelter has introduced a new program called “Adopt a Dog for Christmas.” Todd McCray decides that his family should take a dog from the show for the week before Christmas. However, there is a big problem with Todd’s plan. He is a 20-year-old mentally handicapped adult-child who still lives in his house on the farm in Kansas […]

Disadvantages of carrying an overloaded wallet

When someone says “I hate big fat wallets,” they probably aren’t using the phrase in reference to people who have a lot of money. For some men, the challenge of stuffing a wallet with all sorts of papers or cash in your back pocket can be comparable to shoving a brick into a space meant to hold an envelope. Although […]

Cheap auto body repairs

If you’ve ever been in an accident and damaged your body in the process, you know how difficult it can be to get quotes, sort through quotes, and choose a reliable auto body repair service. Choosing an auto body repair service is a bit tricky, as the concern is not just reliability, but also price. Static repair centers or accident […]

5 ways integrating CRM with marketing automation will help you drive sales and grow your business

Most companies understand, or somewhat understand, that customer relationship management (CRM) is a way of archiving and organizing customer data to make it accessible and thereby increase customer satisfaction. Marketing automation is understood by most marketers to be a way to make marketing tasks easier and more effective, or as HubSpot defines it: “Marketing automation refers to software that exists […]