Do men ever regret leaving their wives?

I often hear of wives who hope that one day their husband will regret leaving them. Often times, these same wives will tell their husbands that leaving is a mistake that he will one day regret. And often the husband doesn’t believe this for a second, or has doubts that he might have overruled his need to go and see […]

Comparative analysis of the marketing strategy between Starbucks and Caffe Nero

Starbucks presents itself as a high-quality coffee for the upper class and is priced slightly higher than Caffe Nero coffee. It stays true to its American originality and emphasizes uniquely in its wide range of coffee drinks with only some sandwiches and desserts. Apart from that, Starbucks distinguishes itself from other cafes by providing a very comfortable environment with facilities […]

Private equity shares

The use of the words Venture Capital and Private Equity are generally used together, however, there is only one category of Private Equity, and that is Venture Capital. Private equity has different risks. For example, some companies will go through growth changes over time and this generally requires capital in several different amounts. This capital also comes from multiple sources. […]

How to join a culinary course

Culinary courses have grown significantly over the last decade. This growth could be related to the increase in tourism and the fact that many people have to settle for eating out. However, most of the best commercial kitchens prefer to hire people who have certifications and degrees in culinary art and management, so they can provide professional service. To earn […]

Top 10 alternatives to SUVs

SUVs are known to have a lot of space, but they also have their own drawbacks. Most customers buy an SUV because it is extremely spacious, flexible, and offers all-weather on-road performance. However, you can choose other cars instead of an SUV if you are only looking for these features. The following are the ten cars that are excellent alternatives […]

Summer time outdoors

Summer fun begins when school ends and there are no more studies, that’s for some kids. Schools now offer children a summer school that could include catching up on graduation hours or learning new skills and attending classes that need improvement. Other kids go to summer school just to hang out with their friends and have fun. Many schools plan […]

Presenting innovation in a ‘yes’ way

In the field of innovation, the closest thing we have to a professional association is the InnovationNetwork and its annual Convergence conference (produced in association with the Institute for International Research), which just took place in Minneapolis. I’m on a plane heading home to California as I write this, and I have to say, this was the best conference I’ve […]