Digital Marketing
Wiki Strategy: Promotion of your travel, tourism or accommodation website

Wiki Strategy: Promotion of your travel, tourism or accommodation website

A wiki is a website that allows users to collectively add and edit content. “Wiki wiki” means “quickly” in the Hawaiian language.

Anyone using a browser can visit and edit a public wiki. This creates a powerful online collaboration environment that is self-managed by your users. Wikis are considered part of social networks and a category of Web 2.0. There are many wikis that provide opportunities for hotels, inns, resorts, and other tourism and hospitality businesses to publish their own listings.

How big are wikis? The most famous and frankly impressive wiki is Wikipedia ( According to Alexa, it is the ninth most popular website in the United States.

A private wiki can be password protected so that only users can view and edit the information. This makes it an excellent collaboration tool for your hotel team. We have tested more than a dozen wikis for this purpose, and we currently use several within our offices and manage hundreds of pages of collaboratively edited information.

From a hospitality and tourism marketing strategy perspective, a Wiki offers you the opportunity to obtain copyright in your own area and business. The results will send qualified traffic to your website, allow you to manage your hotel brand, and will most likely send you qualified traffic and income online. These are totally free marketing resources, but you should take the time to use them.

Before you start exploring and entering your own copy, take 20-30 minutes and learn how to edit a page.

Label: Many wikis allow you to update anonymously. Ideally, you should log in and create an identity. Don’t be selfish or promotional; While you want your business to be added, it is best to create appropriate supplemental information as part of your business addition (it depends on the wiki what that information is. It is okay to correct mistakes, not okay to remove competitors. New page, be sure to start with the right template. If you make mistakes, other people will correct them, and if you “spam” inappropriate content, other people will remove you.

Wikipedia is a powerful resource that many hotel companies should add to. Also check out its sister site, Wikitravel ( to find a website that is definitely appropriate for any hotel, inn, resort, hospitality or tourism website. It is worth spending a few hours creating a page rich in information about your area, your niche and / or your business.

Wikicompany is a business-focused resource that allows you to add your business for free in just a few moments. See the list I made for a hotel website marketing company.

There are a growing number of niche wikis, one example is SingleTrackwiki for mountain bikers. Keep an eye out for these and add them if applicable. They always appreciate quality content.

RoaringForkWiki. is an example wiki about a geographic area, the Roaring Fork Valley. That’s the home of Blizzard Internet Marketing, and it’s a wiki produced and managed by Blizzard.

Many people want to create their own wikis on topics that they are passionate about or about their area. Mediawiki is a professional level version for true geeks. In general, I would recommend that you try easy online versions, try wetpaint, seedwiki, jotspot or stikipad, which are easy to set up and go live.

We recommend that you take a few hours and implement an online marketing strategy to promote your Travel, Tourism or Hotel website on wikis.


Qwika is a wiki search engine if you want to search more than 1000 wikis at a time. Its results are dominated by wikipedia.

Check out the html to wiki tool if you plan to migrate web-based content to a wiki.

Mashable Blog on Stikipad

More about WikiCompany

New York Times on wikis in business

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