
What’s Hot Right Now: The 30-Day Hot Yoga Challenge

What makes hot yoga so great?

Hot 26 Yoga, also called Bikram Yoga, is based on a sequence of yoga postures popularized by Bikram Choudhury from India and brought to the US in the early 1970s. In this invigorating yoga class, the room heats to over 100 degrees to allow the body to move deeper into poses, with less chance of injury. The yoga sequence is carefully chosen from the many poses and their variations that belong to the 5,000-year-old yoga lineage of India.

These yoga postures are derived from traditional hatha yoga postures, known as “asanas.” What makes Hot 26 Yoga different is the sweat and even tears it brings to practitioners…and the huge archives of anecdotal evidence of healing in every direction.

hot yoga legend

Hot yoga is both aerobic and relaxing. Work on creating core body strength and loose, flexible muscles. It is challenging and relaxing at the same time.

The legendary figure of hot yoga is Bikram Choudury, a yoga champion and award-winning bodybuilder, who accidentally dropped beards on his legs during a competition and was told by his doctors that he would never walk again.

This yoga was developed for Bikram by his guru, Bishnu Ghosh, who created the sequence and set the heat and humidity specifically to heal Bikram. Needless to say, today Bikram doesn’t just walk: he struts, the image of youth in his 60s. Bikram is the quirky yoga guru who is anything but shy about the miracles of this yoga.

Yoga postures use proper alignment and holding the postures for particular lengths of time to create a “tourniquet” effect, a pooling of blood and bodily fluids followed by a release and flow of those fluids through particular parts of the body. Body. The series works against gravity to strengthen bones, and is actually said to work every muscle, bone, system and cell in the body, from bone to skin, in just 90 minutes.

A faster route to healing benefits

If you want to be on the fast track, consider the 30-Day Hot Yoga Challenge, which involves 30 consecutive days of consistent practice.

Thousands of people around the world have embarked on the 30-day Hot Yoga challenge. Many speak and blog openly about the healing they personally experienced. Migraines are cured. Lupus is under control. The sciatica magically disappeared. Back pain is relieved. Burnt knees heal. Eyesight is reported to have improved. Sex drive has increased (this may have something to do with skimpy outfits, sweaty bodies, and squatting in hot yoga class).

No Western doctor will confirm that hot 26 yoga is a cure, and the advice often offered before each hot yoga class is to leave complaints, excuses, and ailments at the front door and enter the yoga room with your mind open.

30 day challenge: a personal story

After practicing hot yoga for over 15 years, I embarked on my first 30-Day Challenge in April.

This is a day-to-day commitment that you must redo daily, since the first thing that happens for most is that all the excuses for not continuing begin to come to mind. I’m always too busy. I can always be doing something more productive. I have too much work and too little time. I’m tired. And I’m not sick; I have no ailments to heal and no broken body parts to repair. I won’t get any of those miracle cures, so what’s the point really?

Thousands of other people have taken this 30 day hot yoga challenge and have reported the following:

Deeper and more regular sleep

Clear complexion, smoother hair and skin

Much more flexibility and mobility of the joints.


Changes in weight distribution: firmer abs and thighs, more shaped arms, smaller waist

Healthier diet: sugar cravings are over and healthy foods are preferred: fruits, vegetables and grains,

What I learned from my 30 day hot yoga challenge

Regardless of the fact that I had “nothing to heal,” my 30-Day Challenge has made an impact on my life. I discovered many things about myself, among them:

I can tolerate discomfort: external circumstances may change; the heat and humidity may increase, but I can still stay calm and even find inspiration to overcome all known limitations. It’s always my choice.

Breathing is key: constant breathing through the nose, the passage of breath through the throat feeds a stable mind and a high-functioning nervous system, as well as an optimal physical body

laser beam focus is available to me – Learning to focus intensely on listening to and doing the yoga poses without letting my mind wander in hot yoga is excellent training for mental focus outside of the yoga room and in the world of work and play.

Multitasking is counterproductive: Focusing on one thing at a time gets the job done faster and better

The more I focus, the more time expands: You don’t have to find extra time to practice the daily 90 minutes; time seems to expand the more you practice, as you are more efficient with the time you have, and get more done

Challenges are training for life: You can find a way beyond perceived limitations by physically challenging yourself or sitting in meditation; both take you to the same place. The commitment is mandatory.

Physical and mental strength are one – Hot 26 yoga combines mind and body by engaging both at the same time; you can’t just close your eyes and do hot yoga, you have to stay in the room and keep your mind present and focused or the poses won’t work

Physical balance equals emotional balance: Internal balance and calm can be achieved by balancing the external body.

Distractions can be switched off – The world is full of distractions. Even in the yoga room there are noises, movements and distractions; Focusing on your goal is the way to disconnect from the strange.

Hot training is great for athletes

“Heat training” has long been considered a great way to increase aerobic capacity. For runners, time spent in temperatures higher than race day will benefit any athlete. Many athletes find Hot 26 Yoga to be another cross-training option to raise the heart rate and condition the neuromuscular system and condition the mind for a focused goal.

90-minute exercise or 90-minute meditation?

In the end, I did it because I said I would. Keeping my word to myself is in itself a miracle.

Hot 26 Yoga is appropriate for beginner, intermediate and advanced practitioners; You don’t have to be physically fit to participate, and there are studios around the world that offer this practice.

After doing the 30-day Hot Yoga challenge, it’s easy to see why Hot Yoga is said to be a 90-minute meditation while performing 26 poses in a heated room. There is often no ambivalence about the experience: either you love hot yoga or you hate it. But even those who say they “hate it” continue to practice hot yoga, as it often makes them better athletes, more comfortable with their own bodies, and more capable of becoming the person they want to be.

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