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Trends that will shape the future of mobile app development

Trends that will shape the future of mobile app development

Mobile app development is definitely one of the fastest growing sectors. There are various types of apps on the market today. Some of the most common types of mobile apps are:

  • social media apps

  • game apps

  • business applications

  • banking applications

  • e-commerce applications

Trends change quickly, and people and businesses need to keep up with the latest trends to stay competitive. Here are six such trends every business should be aware of:

Portable devices

2015 saw the release of many smart wearable devices. These devices usher in a new era in technology. Mobile technology has slowly moved towards wearable technology and this opens up new opportunities for businesses. Especially the healthcare sector can fully benefit from wearable watches and smart sensors that provide them with basic health information on the go.

Mobile connected smart objects

Electric light bulbs, toys and appliances that can be connected to mobile devices is a trend that will really catch on in the near future. This interconnected internet of things will communicate via an app on your smartphone. The wireless or electronic control of your household appliances will be of great help in home automation.

mobile commerce

Physical stores are quickly opting for online options and those that are online are moving quickly towards mobile applications. The simple reason is to be where the customer is. Most customers spend 60% of their average time on electronic devices on smartphones. It definitely makes sense to develop a mobile app.

Motion and location detection

Most mobile phones have location detection capabilities. Knowing a person’s location can be of great help in advertising and sending notifications about the latest and greatest deals. Motion detection properties are used in anti-theft, security, and energy saving, as well as mobile gaming. Motion detection and location detection combined with mobile apps will definitely enable a new generation of highly personalized services.

user experience designs

Innovative user experience designs are a key factor driving the future of mobile app development. In mobile apps, some challenges faced are partial user attention and interruption. This means that the app must be designed to efficiently handle user interruption by ads or notifications.

performance app

Application performance is one of the most important factors that will shape the future of mobile applications. With new technology smart devices emerging at a fast pace, mobile applications need to keep up with the speed demands of these devices to provide users with a great user experience.

Future trends in the field of mobile apps depend on how well developers embrace innovative ideas and leverage existing mobile features to provide businesses with extremely enjoyable and useful mobile apps.

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