Arts Entertainments
Shark attacks

Shark attacks

Sharks are dangerous creatures of the sea. They feed on humans and animals alike. They are intelligent animals that incorporate three basic ways of attacking their prey. Each means of attack is highly effective and intelligent.

First, sharks can employ surprise and sneak attack. It occurs in deeper waters where they are barely seen before attacking. It takes its prey by surprise. In this type of attack, there is no initial contact. This is the same reason why there are multiple possibilities for bites. The shark suddenly retreats towards its prey seemingly out of nowhere.

The basic idea for this type of attack is to be quiet and go unnoticed so that the prey does not have time to flee. Discretion is the key. When the shark bites suddenly, the prey is left with nothing to do but panic.

This type of attack usually occurs in the middle of the ocean, perhaps while one is fishing or simply enjoying a leisurely boat ride in the bay. There are also unusual circumstances in which sharks attack vacationers on the beach. However, this does not happen often as most sharks are found in the deepest parts of the ocean most of the time.

The second type of attack is called hit and run, and it usually takes place in the surf zone. Sharks target surfers’ legs and cause severe lacerations. In these cases, the sharks leave the scene immediately after biting. The legs are simply mistaken for food due to their inherent poor visibility in the water.

The hit and run attack is more of a basic instinct for sharks, like a defense mechanism sharks employ when they feel they are being aggravated. Seeing a surfer, for example, is unusual for a shark. An exposed leg will make a shark think it will be attacked and bite. But with no intention of killing, the shark runs off after biting.

The third type of attack is that of blows and bites. Common victims are swimmers and divers. In this attack, the shark tests if the victim is moving by hitting it to see if it is alive. After hitting him, they decide whether to take a bite or not.

The victims of this attack come to suffer serious injuries and the majority are fatal. The shark’s blow to the victims results in further injuries. This attack assesses the defensive response of the victim. Given the colossal size of most sharks, colliding with a human is definitely a major and serious attack.

All of these three types of shark attacks are unpredictable. When you are in the ocean water, you should know that you are in shark country. To be safe, before going into the water, scan the water first. Look for fins. If there is only one fin, then you are safe because the ones that are present are only dolphins. But if you see two fins, you need to be on the lookout. Sharks are present in the area. Sharks attack people on rare occasions, but knowing a few precautions can reduce your risks.

The first thing to do is not to swim alone. Swim in a group because sharks attack lone swimmers. Do not get away from your group and from the shore. Avoid swimming at night as much as possible. Also avoid swimming at dusk and dawn. This is the time when the sharks go hunting. Do not go into the water when you are bleeding because sharks can easily notice the blood. Don’t wear jewelry. Avoid brightly colored clothing. Leave fishing areas and do not enter areas where shark areas are known to be present.

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