Preparation of black coffee: the perfect happiness for your health
Black coffee can taste spicy, especially for those who are used to drinking coffee with a lot of milk and sugar. But, the good it does for your health is unmatched by the health benefits you get from drinking a creamy, sweetened cappuccino. Just one cup a day will boost your metabolism, burn calories, detoxify your body, and leave you full of energy. In addition, drinking black coffee before training will enhance precisely all these effects. While it’s time you recognized the health benefits of plain black coffee, here’s a quick guide on how to make the perfect cup of it.
Choosing the beans
Choosing finely roasted beans is undoubtedly the most essential step in preparing a flawless cup of black coffee. So when you go to the market, try to find a store that assures you of the best beans with minimal mixing. Opt for beans that are freshly roasted, meaning not close to their expiration date.
Take care of the grinding process
To get the best taste and benefits from black coffee, you need to grind the beans on your own. This is the only way to control the size of the grains. Otherwise, the coffee drink is more likely to taste bitter. You can choose between two types of grinders, namely burrs and blades. While Burr is expensive and grinds beans the size of sugar grains, Blade is fairly reasonably priced and chops the beans unevenly. So for the even beans, which make a nice drink, you should go Burr.
Coffee-water ratio
The proportion is important to ensure that the taste is neither too bitter nor too placid. While pouring the hot water over the grounds, keep the ratio 1: 3 (2 teaspoons to 6 ounces of water). Also, for the water at the ideal temperature, which is 200 degrees, because too hot or too cold can ruin your preparation.
Proper preparation method
The last but most important step is choosing the right preparation technique. While drip brewing and the French press are the two most basic but effective methods, you should follow the one that suits your preferences. Drip brewing requires a standard machine with a pot and basket with a coffee filter to put all the ground coffee in. Adding water automatically does all the work. On the other hand, the French press is the old manual method where you have to wait longer before hot water seeps through the grinds and you have to manipulate the press to separate them.
Despite the bitter taste and spiciness, black coffee wins out over creamy latte. The benefits one can get cover its awful taste. However, try these simple steps the next time you want to make a perfect mug of black for yourself or your loved ones.