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inspirations for fantasy writing

For any type of writing, be it speeches, articles, books, fantasy eBooks, RPG sessions, stories for computer games or movies, anything in essence, it helps to create an active and detailed environment that is portrayed in his work. But this in itself can be an obstacle for many writers, since where do we get our inspiration for not only the content of what we are writing, but also for the smallest details, the characters, the elements and even the settings? I have found a wide variety of very useful sources to help stimulate my mind and passion for what I was writing about.

To get the easy one out of the way first; Other books and movies, and I’m sure this is no big surprise to anyone, can provide you with a mountain of inspiration for characters, plot development, atmosphere, or settings. The key here, as always, is to make it your own so that it is easier to work with the emotions that what you are seeing or reading gives you. So when I’m watching a movie, what I really focus on is the feelings it gives me and then reproduce those feelings in my own works instead of plagiarizing what I’m watching.

Vacations and travel are next, and if you’re lucky enough to use this option, make sure you have enough HD space for a still and video camera, as this is a never-to-be-missed opportunity for inspiration. My classic example of this is when traveling around Scotland, apart from the pubs and castles which are obvious sources of intrigue for me, the countryside itself excited me as what I saw in the lowlands mirrored how I saw in my head the WolfSpire Mountains. be while the Highlands sang to me as the BlackSpear Ranges of my world. In addition to having an experience of visiting areas in the real world that matched what I saw in my head, it actually gave me the opportunity to see how that environment worked, as I never would have imagined that every few meters there is water flowing down the slopes of the mountains. , or the types of vegetation that grows in the areas. In short, traveling provides you with a unique opportunity to broaden your knowledge of environments, people, cultures and places that you cannot achieve through any other method and allows you to understand the finer details that make each environment unique. Although I give it a high rating for very good reasons, it is also the most expensive option and obviously not that accessible to all of us, but if you come across the opportunity, I advise you to enjoy the moment and expand your imagination.

Now we start to get into some alternative forms of inspiration and the first one is music. Like many people I know, when we read it it’s done with music in the background and I often find that when I listen to the same music it brings back scenes from the books I’ve read. This association can be used to your advantage if you choose music that suits the situation, characters, and setting you want to work with, and since the music helps draw your imagination into the situation, you’ll get a wider range of ideas. and better. detailed concepts to put into their works.

Alternatively, you can use other favourites, people and pets in your real life. Family and friends give characteristics that can be combined to produce a unique individual for your own works, though it’s best to avoid copying someone entirely, as they may feel insulted either by being chosen, or by what happens to the character. or how they portray it. therefore, getting little snippets from different people is sometimes the best approach. Pets are an unusual source and one not to be ignored, for example from my own works one of the dogs Huntergin has is based on my actual dog in terms of attitude and also the nickname “young son” and how it is depicted to the dog. in history it developed around those chosen characteristics.

This last one is a bit obscure, but worth mentioning as it got me out of a jam or two, and they are cups of tea, although any appropriate drink has the same effect, drinking Russian Caravan and Irish Breakfast teas while writing about Dwarfs. brought me into the world and its situations, the reason being that for me these two styles of tea mimic what the characters themselves would be drinking along the way, harsh flavors, some hot concoctions to soothe the tired body, and thus allow me to get into their shape of thinking and script.

While by no means an exhaustive list, realizing that inspiration can come from a wide range of sources gives us a win-win situation as it helps writers create new and different material to use, develops the scope and depth of our work and keeps an audience interested and enthusiastic about what we create.

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