How to use your autoresponder correctly
The world of affiliate marketing can be very challenging, however it has enormous potential for you to earn significant income as an affiliate marketer. On the Internet, there are thousands of affiliate marketers who make a lot of money selling other people’s products and their own.
Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn extra money, but it is important that you promote with caution. Many promoters ruin the process, usually with an excess of emails. Nobody wants to receive the same message every day, especially 2 or 3 times a day, it is bad for their business.
If you’re just starting your business from home, an autoresponder service makes sense, but you should still use good judgment about how often you message your subscribers. Follow the lead of other successful internet marketers who have created a huge list of names that they write to each week.
Set your own goals. Maybe 10K, even 20K subscriber names is an excellent list where you should be able to earn a significant amount of money. Even better is a list of repeat buyers spending their hard-earned money on you and your business. It is important that you understand that some of your subscribers are free loaders or tire kickers who will never spend money on you.
Almost all successful affiliate marketers use an autoresponder, it simply gives you the benefit of automation in your business. An autoresponder can make it easier to conduct business and allow you to get in touch with all of your customers or prospects with the click of a button.
You no longer have to spend hours sending emails after you’ve set up a series of letters or email notices because your autoresponder takes care of the work for you.
Anytime you have a new product, new software, or write a product review, just click the auto-reply broadcast button and the job is done. You can address each person on your list by name, enter a reason for the message, and in no time, all, 10K or whatever, of the buyers or subscribers will receive your message almost instantly or in minutes at most. .
Large lists are rarely created quickly, but knowing that it can be done is good news. Obviously, few things will accelerate your business success more than an autoresponder. In reality, most of us “rent” the use of an autoresponder from companies like aweber, compact, or one of the other systems for a monthly fee.
Look for places like clickbank with thousands of products that you can sell as a commissioned affiliate marketer to all of your buyers and subscribers. Product owners will be happy to pay you 50% to 75% for sending new customers to them. Once they make a sale to your subscribers, they will pay you the agreed commission, but they will understand that the person is now also your customer.
Don’t over promote any product or you will find people dropping from your subscriber list. We want them to stay with us forever, so it is important that you recognize that the names on your list are REAL people with feelings and that their reaction to aggressive promoters is not good, one click and they are gone forever. Treat them like your best friend, think about who they are, visualize them, and remember why they are subscribed to your email list.
Once you have a few clients on your list, it seems like it makes sense to send an email every week or every 10 days. You don’t want them to forget about you, however, don’t overwhelm them with promotions. You can send appropriate notes and / or quality information, good advice or a simple newsletter that generally creates a good relationship for you with your customers. Remember, LKT, Like, Know and Trust is your goal for success.