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How To Quickly Treat Candidiasis: Potassium Sorbate To Get Rid Of Candida

How To Quickly Treat Candidiasis: Potassium Sorbate To Get Rid Of Candida

Candida albicans is a yeast that is normally found in small amounts in the vagina. When the natural pH of the vagina is altered, this yeast can multiply and irritate the vaginal walls. This then causes a vaginal yeast infection, marked by a burning sensation when urinating, pain during intercourse, itching around the vagina, and a white, odorless discharge that resembles cottage cheese. You can quickly treat yeast infection at home inexpensively with something as common as potassium sorbate.

Potassium sorbate is a very common food preservative used in foods like cheese, wine, meats, and nuts. It works by helping to inhibit the growth of yeast and mold, thus extending the shelf life. It is said to have a level of toxicity similar to table salt and is generally considered safe for consumption. Potassium sorbate can be purchased at health food stores and home brewing supply stores.

How is potassium sorbate used to quickly treat yeast infection?

Take a tablespoon of potassium sorbate and dissolve it in a cup of water. Take a tampon and insert it into your vagina. Pour in the potassium sorbate solution so that the buffer absorbs it. This is a bit tricky, so you can also use a syringe without the needle to spray the solution into your vagina for the tampon to absorb. Do not immerse the tampon in the solution as this will cause the tampon to swell and you will have trouble inserting it into your vagina. Store overnight and repeat until symptoms of infection disappear.

If symptoms persist, stop using this home remedy to quickly treat yeast infection and consult a doctor.

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