No fake cheesecake

The oldest known recorded recipe (circa 160 BC) was for a type of cake eaten during religious celebrations in Greece, containing goat cheese and in no way resembling our modern version. Fast-forward to 1390 when an English cookbook had a chef named Heston Blumenthal insist that cheesecake is an English invention, which it very well could be; but whichever country […]

NASCAR 2005: the season that was

Let’s start our NASCAR season roundup with a look back at the betting year. If you bet alongside me in 2005, I’m presumably some kind of folk hero to you, roaming the countryside with axle oil and grease under my fingernails, spreading auto racing lore in a sort of Johnny Appleseed style. For the year, giving him three outright picks […]

fruits before meal

Studies have shown that eating some fruit or drinking 1-2 cups of fruit juice 20-40 minutes before meals can prevent obesity caused by overeating. Because fruit or fruit juice is rich in fructose and glucose, which can be quickly absorbed by the body to increase blood glucose concentration and reduce appetite. The crude fiber contained in the fruit can allow […]

Vinha De Alhos (How to Prepare Turkey Portuguese Style)

Alhos Wine In Maui, when Amaryllis met her Portuguese boyfriend, she was introduced to the world of Portuguese cuisine. Her father loved to cook Vinha De Alhos! (pronounced vinga doyzh). Vinha is the vinegar brine used to soak meat or fish before grilling. Four days before Thanksgiving, Richard takes a cleaned, thawed bird and places it in the roasting pan. […]

Real World Project Management – Communications

Have you ever been on the side of the conversation where all you heard was a voice like Charlie Brown’s teacher? “Wa-wa-waa-wwaa.” (It would be fun if you saw more Charlie Brown.) But what about listening to your date? Yada yada blah blah Cubs game blah blah beer blah blah pizza. Or what happens when your favorite project team member […]