Home Kitchen

5 small businesses you can run from a portable cabin

Starting a small business can be difficult, and dealing with financing, vendors, and tax obligations will require more energy than anticipated.

Finding the perfect facility is time consuming and can commit you to obligations that you don’t feel ready for.

If the physical space your business requires is small, consider using a portable cabin in your home. Not only is the commute great, it also keeps costs low. By accessing wireless internet inside the home and using cordless phones, there are no infrastructure issues to worry about.

The following businesses have been successfully run from a portable cabin or sleeping.

  1. Music Lessons: A booth is large enough for a piano or other musical instruments and one or two students. You don’t have to worry about your students having access to your home or others using the home being disturbed by the sounds of an ongoing class.
  2. Advice: A cabin is a discreet place for your clients to visit. You don’t have to worry about bumping into other people in the waiting room or being seen by people inside your home. If you have children at home in the house with a caregiver, he will be available to customers, but his noise will not interfere with your business.
  3. Accountant – If you plan to serve a few key clients and employ just 1 or 2 people, a booth will give you the space you need without the overhead of a formal office. They can share the bathroom and kitchen inside the house.
  4. Beauty Therapy: When you are starting your journal there can be big gaps in it. By working from your own property, you can take advantage of these gaps wisely by being tied to neither business nor home. And if you get a last minute reservation, you can return to the site instantly. The cabin gives you a serene place away from the noises of home.
  5. Importer and online sales: in the United States it would be eBay and in New Zealand it would be TradeMe. If you have a product that you are buying and then selling online, you don’t need a showroom, you just need a place to store the boxes and courier bags and have your desk. In fact, the more compact the better! The only consideration is how close your local delivery point is, but if you’re making enough volume, the couriers should come to you anyway. All you have to do is run the ads, keep an eye on the sales, and submit the product.

Don’t forget that your portable cabin will be a tax deductible expense and the beauty of it is that if your circumstances change, you don’t have to worry about lengthy leases and ongoing commitments. A simple phone call and the cabin will be returned.

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